Provisional Seat Allocation of MBBS/BDS 1st Round of Counselling 2023-24
Schedule for MBBS/BDS Counselling Academic Session 2023-24
Schedule of Online Counselling for MD/MS/DNB/MDS course for Academic Session 2023-24
Corrigendum for seat Matrix in MMMCH, Solan of MBBS/BDS course for Academic Session 2023-24
Corrigendum for seat matrix for MDS seats for Academic session 2023-24
Circular for Commencement of PG Courses in Medical and Dental Colleges for Acad. Session 2023-24
Result of rechecking/retotaling of BDS 1st year Supplementary Examination held in May 2023
Final HP Quota Categorywise Merit List MBBS/BDS 2023-24