अटल आयुर्विज्ञान एवं अनुसंधान विश्‍वविद्यालय, हिमाचल प्रदेश


A State Government University
Established under the Himachal Pradesh University of Health Sciences Act, 2017

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अटल आयुर्विज्ञान एवं अनुसंधान विश्‍वविद्यालय, हिमाचल प्रदेश


A State Government University
Established under the Himachal Pradesh University of Health Sciences Act, 2017

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The Faculties

(1) There are the following Faculties of the University: –

i)Faculty of Medicine;
ii)Faculty of Dental Sciences;
iii)Faculty of Nursing Sciences;
iv)Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences- Pharmacy and other such allied Departments;
v)Faculty of Para-medical Sciences- Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and other paramedical courses.
vi)Faculty of Indian System of Medicine- Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Alternative Medicine Integral Health, Yoga, Reflexology, Traditional System of Medicine, Unani;
vii)Any other Faculty which shall be approved by the Board.

Provided that the Board shall have the power to transfer a Department from one Faculty to another Faculty.

(2) Each Faculty consist of such subjects as may be assigned to it by the Ordinances of the University.
(3) All Members of Faculty other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a term of three years.
Provided, however that when a teacher appointed on the Faculty goes on leave for a period of more than two months, the Vice- Chancellor may appoint the next eligible teacher concerned during the absence of leave period of the regular teacher member as the case may be;
Provided further that any member other than ex-officio member, shall cease to be a member of the faculty if he/ she absent himself/herself from more than two consecutive meetings of the Faculty without leave of absence from the Dean concerned.
(4) Faculties shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the Ordinances. They shall also consider and make such recommendations to the Academic Council on any question pertaining to their respective spheres of work, as may appear to them necessary or on any matter referred to them by the Academic Council.
(5) Such other persons by rotation, excluding members of the Academic Council not exceeding two in number as may be nominated for three years to the Faculty by the Academic Council on account of their expert knowledge of the subjects comprising the Faculty.

Two-fifths of the members in each Faculty shall form the quorum.

(1)Each Faculty consist of the following members:

i)Dean of the Faculty –Chairperson (to be nominated by the Vice- Chancellor)
ii)Chairman UG and PG Board of Studies.
iii)Principal(s) of Constituent Colleges.
iv)Principals of all the Affiliating Colleges.
v)One Professor each from Pre-clinical and Para-clinical Departments and two Professors from Clinical Departments by rotation on seniority basis from Constituent and Affiliated Colleges.
vi)Two Associate Professors with eight years Post PG experience, from Constituent/Affiliated Colleges on seniority basis by rotation.
vii)Two Assistant Professors with at least five years Post PG experience from Constituent/Affiliated Colleges on seniority basis by rotation.
viii)Such other persons by rotation, excluding members of Academic Council not exceeding two in number as may be nominated for three years to the Faculty by the Academic Council on account of their expert knowledge of the subjects comprising the Faculty.

Provided that wherever considered necessary, the Vice- Chancellor may on the recommendation of the Dean increase the number of members.

(2)Two-fifths of the members in each Faculty shall form the quorum.
(3)Duration of appointment of member shall be a period of three years.
Any member who ceases to hold the qualification by virtue of which he was appointed to the Faculty shall cease to be the member thereof.